Geometry Dash star grinder and Artist!
PFP and Banner made by me :-)
Cara - @SkilledFeller
Sheezy.Art - @SkilledFella
Geometry Dash - @SkilleDepruned
Reddit - @SkilledFella

Skilled @SkilledFella

Age 17, Male

Artist and Gamer

Your mom


Joined on 5/23/23

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People are using ChatGPT for homework and essays nowadays. This is so messed up!

The good thing is that I NEVER use ChatGPT.

Yeah, the resources those bots use are all drawings pulled from the Net so it really is more like a shitty commisioned artwork rather than it's own separate piece. I think its just that people who use it, do it since they are desperate to have any kind of value or worth or personality. I mean they were cryptobros before this so you know this shit is overblown.

I don't recommend that robots draw art!

I'm even dislike that people use the term "AI 'art'" to describe what are merely 'computer generated images'... :/ It normalizes the practice to much and implies that there is an 'art component' in there.

Have some links that I like to spread around on this topic:

isnt ai art uglier?

Yes, it is. Way uglier than human art.

Yes I’m against AI art! I didn’t even know about it until not so long ago. I’m not going to let some stupid Artificial Intelligence take the place of us real artists! Some of them (like me) have dedicated a great percentage of their lives to drawing what they love and I WILL NOT be replaced!

i believe ai can be good, like roombas and stuff. but it depends on what its intended for. roombas are less annoying versions of vaccum cleaners, and i doubt they will cause issues. but ai art is just for retards.

AI Art does suck it's lazy and to be honest the art work never comes out good i like art work that's custom made not auto made

The thing that annoys me most about it is that it's all based on _stolen_ works which are never credited - an illegal practice known as "plagiarism". Unless all the base art for a piece was provided willingly, _every_single_ 'computer generated image' contains countless breaches of copyright - the thing that large corporations defend as if there was no tomorrow.

If the first image generating AI had worked exclusively off of movie stills and comics from Disney properties you'd better believe that technology would have been seized and desisted so hard every single design document for the code would have gone up in flames within 48 hours after going public. And the programmers would have been in dept for the rest of their lives...

However... Since this whole thing is pretty much undependable in a court of law, it is only a matter of time before these things will cease to be available freely. Less legal sites will still run the software or offer a download, but the 'use' of the resulting images on legally operating sites and businesses will pretty much stop.
Aside from the good publicity and influx in artists, Newgrounds also benefits from not having to deal with removing such uploads when the hammer falls.

I think most developer who stuff their (mostly adult-focused) games with those images are mainly in it for the short haul. I only judge them for their shortsightedness, because it will either cost them "publishable" projects that they cannot be bothered to fill with new images or they will lose their followers who were used to "their" art style.

What you can really "look forward to" will be when Discord announces their lifelike text-to-speech AI, fueled by the voice samples from their countless _consenting_ users who agreed to their Terms of Service - along with their shutdown of the Discord servers, of course (since now they aren't profitable anymore).

As a tiny aside, I'd like to use my Cassandra-vision right now and predict that 'hotline bots' in the future will block certain callers based on their voices being too similar to the AI voices - because those _are_ their voices... And to those I say: "You did it your yourselves. TeamSpeak was perfectly functional..."

I like AI art if it is ethically trained and fully disclosed to be AI. But that hardly ever happens

That's sounds reasonable

I'm mostly neutral on the subject. While I do think it's fun to mess around with it from time to time. It should not be used to replace real artists that work hard in the art industry.

What? Is AI "Art" art? (Of course i'm against)

Im against the AI
In all arts, we can easily notice the mistake it's made and the inconsistency of the artstyle it's deliver
I found several AI art in my country, they say like "AI art is hard to make, you have to think what prompts it's need before you start typing it" and those artists usually get bullied. But worst of all, some people even sell their AI art and make it cheaper

I am also against the AI Art.
If you found an AI generated Art, report it!

This is so based omfg


Tinky Winky


Laa Laa



Teletubby sun

AI art is lazy, ugly and flat out unoriginal! I’m lazy with my school work, but I would never use ChatGPT for a homework assignment!