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Newgrounds - @SkilledFella
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Cara - @skilledfeller

Skilled @SkilledFella

Age 17, Male

Artist and Gamer


Joined on 5/23/23

Exp Points:
3,106 / 3,210
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5.92 votes
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5m 8d

Thoughts on my art style?

Posted by SkilledFella - February 20th, 2024

Has my art style improved lately, or not?

If it hasn't, I understand that I am willing to improve, but if it has, then Super.

These kinds of:



> BBS Source



Just quickly looking back on your older art, I think, Yeah, you definitely have improved. Things feel a lot more animated and the little shadows go a long way. What's nice though is that you've maintained a fairly consistent style, and I think it looks great!

I liked the one you had on your avatar you used for your game dev account during... August(?) 2023 better.

Sorry for doing a poor job explaining this without the proper terms: The issue for me is when a 'simple and flat' style is upgraded by just a little bit. The eyes got shading but no other part did. A lot of effort was but into limbs and digits that ended up still looking abstract. It's likely related to the 'uncanny valley' effect. I like it either on the levels of "gets the point across" 'or' drawn with highlights, shading, shapes, anatomy, perspective, etc. in mind. The 'intermediate steps' look worse to me.

Or maybe I just prefer art that looks quick and dirty. I played 'Kingdom of Loathing' for years, after all... ;)

I hope this helps somewhat.

Is my PFP like Logotype for a game dev (circa August 2023)?

yes it has improved, your line quality has gone up and the color usage is more eye-catching

Well i think your art looks a bit better than before so i would say you have improved. However, you should keep improving and trying new things if you want to become a popular artist one day. I'm not an expert in art, but I know it takes a lot of effort to make cool art and it's not something easy. Keep it up skilled!

it has improved but that doesn't mean you shouldn't contune to improve even more

Yes, you did improve, i can see your artstyle changed a bit much, the coloring also changed a bit, even smooth lineart too

You can improve in like the hair part or something, that need more work

idk if im allowed to talk, as im not artistic. but you could give the spongebob/patrick/squidward drawing more life. they look soulless, but i like the artstyle you are using for that and your cartoon character!

Of course you are allowed to talk, and also Thank you for liking my new art style, obviously I have started to improve by adding smooth lines and colors making it look like an sticker from 2000s.

Good lord that I am doing the RIGHT thing, because I will sue people who DARE to steal my artwork/using without permission.

@fe3l1ngsk1lledd more info about that guy but awhile back he stole some BFDI Content i saw it when he reuploaded the BFDIA 5b Game which you can find on HTWINS.NET i think it's fair to say that this user needs to be banned

I agree with you, this user must be banned for doing messed up things, especially Stealing my good work. Justice must be served!


Yup, I am Feeling Skilled!

I am very done with a game-developing career, I will miss making good games with medals. I will start an art career, and I just did!

Good lord that I am improving on art and making them as good as I can.

I. am. so. sick. of. this.

Please stop using my art without permission and stop stealing it, I am DEAD serious. Thieves don't deserve your attention.

Plus I have never collaborated with the thief, it is lying of course. Just to get attention and a scout revoke, my scout was almost revoked jesus christ. Hopefully thief was gone for good!

P.S: This was a incident about yesterday, and maybe today (I haven't seen it today cuz it has been deleted, good riddance)

@fe3l1ngsk1lledd this user is still being bad i swear they have to be banned not just from the art portal but from this website and also that collab looks nothing what you would ever do are make it doesn't match your art style at all it looks like a 8 year olds drawing and they added a stolen photo on top of it i swear this user is dumb

True, and I agree with you. So sad to see that an art thief didn't got vanish from Newgrounds.

@fe3l1ngsk1lledd Hey your improved so much that people are stealing/copying it

Yeah, that might be a true reason. I have worked on art quality and my art got reposted by someone. How pathetic isn't it?

@fe3l1ngsk1lledd Tell me about it

The improvement on your art is pretty good, the fact that people are stealing it is fucked up. Sorry thats happening too you skilled :/