@SkilledFella - @Ilovecats324
Q: How did you discover Newgrounds?
A: One night, i was hanging out with my god brother and my god sister, and he showed me this FNF thingy and i really liked it. This took place about 3 years ago, last September I saw newgrounds and was like wow lets make an account to save my progress
Q: A story behind the name Ilovecats324?
A: My username was originally going to be Ilovecats234, but the user was taken so I flipped the numbers around. Ofcourse my username represents my love for the cats that I own.
Q: How did you get interested in making art?
A: When I was younger for some reason I loved drawing, I quit drawing for a long time until 2023 and I continued my passion of art here on newgrounds.
Q: Do you like making content?
A: Definitely, It passes the time and I very much do enjoy it. My content shows my terrible humor and music and fashion choices!!
Q: Do you have experience with Newgrounds?
A: I would say so, since I've visited the site numerous of times before I signed up to play FNF.
Q: Any advice for people?
A: Don't sit and rot, get some sort of hobby for the love of god.