@SkilledFella - @AlexToolStudio
Q: How did you discover Newgrounds?
A: well when I finally turned 13, my friend
CosmicToons joined so I joined
and FNF was still super popular
Q: A story behind the name AlexToolStudio?
A: over the years I have gone by different names such as KingBox07, TikAlex7, and AlexTube64 and then I had an idea for a Name. TheAlexToolStudio. It was original and I could shorten it to TATS but The word was a waste a space so It now AlexToolStudio
Q: How did you get interested in voice acting?
A: well there was a guy named DajoAnimations who was doing A object show Sign up and of course I joined and one of those questions was Send a Voice Files to your object then when the Scripts came I just hit record and done and he liked my Voices. AND THEN IT HIT ME I should give up being a animator and become a voice actor and the rest was history
Q: Do you like Object Show?
A: I don’t like Object shows
Q: Do you like making content?
A: yes i do love making things. It was my dream back in 2018 and it came true
Q: Do you have any experience with Newgrounds?
A: well I learned all old Flash Games was Born on NG and it the perfect place to makes Friends now that MiiVerse and Club penguin is gone (RIP)
Q: Any advice for people?
A: Why should i do that im bad at that
you should do a part 2