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Newgrounds - @SkilledFella
DeviantArt - @SkilledFeller
Instagram - @skilledfeller
Cara - @skilledfeller

Skilled @SkilledFella

Age 17, Male

Artist and Gamer


Joined on 5/23/23

Exp Points:
3,106 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.92 votes
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B/P Bonus:
5m 8d

Interview - SlaveOnAStick

Posted by SkilledFella - 1 month ago

@SkilledFella - @SlaveOnAStick

Q: How did you discover Newgrounds?

A: Man, how did I discover Newgrounds. That's a very interesting question. Alright so I was at my crib doing an "activity" if you know you know and I was doing my shit, when I saw a Newgrounds link to the activity I was doing. Shit, so I watched the video and then halfway through the video, I was like, "wait a fucking minute aint this newgrounds" I used to play Thing-Thing, Project Nexus, Pico's School and stuff like that whenever I was bored at school. So yeah, I created an account later that same day.

Q: A story behind the name SlaveOnAStick?

A: SlaveOnAStick, it used to be THESOUTHSIDE100, but why did I change it. Shit, back when the BBS fourms were still up I was kinda (i think) known as the funny guy and troll. So there was this ONE MOD THAT GRINDED MY MOTHERFUCKING GEARS (looking back, i kinda see why i got banned but still) everytime i got banned I would see his username. His mod name was TurkeyOnAStick. So I decided to replace Turkey with Slave, because idk, so I changed it from THESOUTHSIDE100 to SlaveOnAStick

Q: How did you get interested in making animations?

A: I don't really make animations, but it might be something I wanna try out in a couple of years

Q: How did you get interested in making art?

A: Man, thats a very funny question man! I used to be a S-Rank dumbass at school, I wouldn't be attention or none of that. So when the teachers would sit me away from everyone else. So I would use whatever bullshit paper they would assign and draw. So man, when I discovered Newgrounds again and made an account. I knew I wasn't good at digital art and I knew damn well I had 0 fucking talent. So you know what I said, "Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I got no talent." So I just created shitty art on purpose and some people checked it out, so I made more art.

Q: How did you get interested in making music?

A: Music, I just recently started making music. Now you know the fucking funny thing. I can't do it because when I uploaded my second track back in 2023 I think, they said it was "copyrighted" or some bullshit like that, even though I made it from scratch and I tried to appeal but I think my appeal was shitty so it didnt work. Anyways, I recently started making music on FL Studio like hip-hop, trap beats, rnb beats, stuff like that. I wanna get so good that I'm able to sell them

Q: What is a collab for you?

A: The Burger King Collab, the best collab of all time on Newgrounds. I was even apart of it!

Q: Do you have any experience with Newgrounds?

A: Yes, I used to play a bunch of games on Newgrounds before my school blocked it. All the classic games on Newgrounds from Madness to Pico. Man, I would play Newgrounds almost everyday!

Q: Any advice for people?

A: Alright, this is where I stop being stupid.



YOOOOOOOO thanks a lot man!!!!!!!!!! I think some parts of the advice was left out so I will just finish it. "If you're struggling through life, you have to KEEP PUSHING NO MATTER WHAT. If you got bullies at you school, just know that I fucking hate them and that they are some MAJOR BITCHES, FUCK YOUR BULLIES. If you have haters, fuck em. They never want to see you SUCCED better than them. If you have fake friends, cut them out, weed the bad from the good. Focus on your mental health more than anything else as the brain leads to all actions. If you feel like you are going nowhere with your goals like going to the gym, or doing art/animation. Just know this quote, "It takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials."

That was it but I don't think it was in the response it's okay. BUT MAN THANKS FOR INTERVIEWING ME MAN!!! Shoutout to @SkilledFella

@SlaveOnAStick dang